
Modelling to inform prophylaxis regimens to prevent human rabies

RIG Injecting rabies immunoglobulin RIG into wounds only A significant saving of lives and costly RIG

RIG Local infiltration of rabies immunoglobulins without systemic intramuscular administration an alternative


How the Public Private Partnership (PPP) is not the answer to all problems !

Assessing the clinical efficacy of local wound infiltration of RIGs with IDRV

Can Non-Polio Enteroviruses be tamed with a VACCINE

Rabies by Pup bites/Scratches Bangkok-Final

Controlling rabies through “One Health” approach in Shimla Town Himachal India

Climate change and its impact on health parameters in Shimla district of Himachal Pradesh situated in the foothills of Himalayas India

Breaking the barriers to introduce Intra-dermal Anti rabies vaccine

Intradermal Rabies Vaccination with local infiltration of Rabies immunoglobulins without systemic administration is life saving

Management of Municipal Solid Waste in Shimla with Community Participation

Innovations in Gutkha ( non Smoke Tobacco) Ban in India

Intra-dermal rabies vaccination in bovine with local RIG (eRIG) infiltration _A life saving protocol

“Estimating Prevalence of β- Thalassemia Trait in Himachal Pradesh, India Through PPS Sampling of Marriageable age College Students”

Snakebite management through free emergency ambulance service in Himachal Saves Lives

“Scratches/Abrasions without Bleeding” Cause Rabies: A 7 Years Rabies Death Review from Medical College Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India

Poster on reasons for dropout among voluntary blood donors

Injecting rabies immunoglobulin (RIG) into wounds only: A significant saving of lives and costly RIG

Medico friend circle bulletin: Rabies - lessons from the Himachal Pradesh experience

Physical Activity Status and its Determinants Among Public Health Care Doctors in Tertiary Care Public Sector Hospitals in Chandigarh,India

Transporting Snake Bite Victims to Appropriate Health Facility within Golden Hour through Toll Free Emergency Ambulance Service in India, Save Lives

Transporting Snake Bite Victims to Appropriate Health Facility within Golden Hour through Toll Free Emergency Ambulance Service in India, Save Lives

Human rabies in monkey (Macaca mulatta) bite patients a reality in India now

Transporting Snake Bite Victims to Appropriate Health Facility within Golden Hour through Toll Free Emergency Ambulance Service in India, Save Lives

Human rabies in monkey (Macaca mulatta) bite patients a reality in India now!

Vaccinating Rag Pickers

Transporting snakebite victims to appropriate health facility to save lives through emergency ambulance service in India

High Disease Burden among Sanitation Workers of Shimla Municipality in Himachal Pradesh, India -A Leading Cause of Adult Mortality

Effectiveness of Community-Based Hypertension Intervention Program in a Resource Poor Rural Settings in Tamil Nadu, India

High Disease Burden among Sanitation Workers of Shimla Municipality in Himachal Pradesh, India -A Leading Cause of Adult Mortality

High Disease Burden among Sanitation Workers of Shimla Municipality in Himachal Pradesh, India -A Leading Cause of Adult Mortality

-My interaction with life-Bharti-My Poetry

Spontaneous Rabies in a Stray Bitch after Parturition Induced Immunosuppression —Investigating an Impending Outbreak of Rabies with One Health Approach


Success Story of a Low Cost Intra-Dermal Rabies Vaccination (IDRV) Clinic-Lessons Learnt over Five Years of 12,000 Patient Vaccinations “Without Failure” at DDU Hospital Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India

Local infiltration of rabies immunoglobulins without systemic intramuscular administration: An alternative cost effective approach for passive immunization against rabies

PLHA experience high self stigma and enacted stigma and stigma from health care providers associated with HIV/AIDS - A pilot study in District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India

High Immunization Coverage but Delayed Immunization Reflects Gaps in Health Management Information System (HMIS) in District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India—An Immunization Evaluation

Segregation of waste at Household level and local composting not only helps protect environment but is also a cost effective proposition for ULBs- A pilot study

Snakebite management through free emergency ambulance service in Himachal saves lives

Can Non-Polio Enteroviruses Be Tamed with a Vaccine to Minimize Paralysis Caused by Them?

Segregation at Household level and local composting not only helps protect environment but is also a cost effective proposition for ULBs- A pilot study

Banning Chewable Tobacco (Gutka/Khaini) products in India under FSSA 2006; Policy and Practice-A way forward!

A Scratch With Hind Toes by Rabid Dog Causes Rabies-Some Case Studies

Environmental Awareness and Hygienic Measures Taken Based on a Case Control Study Prevent Further Outbreak of Indian Tick Typhus in and Around Village Deol, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India-A Seven Years Follow-Up Study

Washing Hands Before Meals Becomes A Protective Factor In An Outbreak Of Typhoid Fever (ICD 10 Code: A01.0) In Village Darnu, Near Dharamsala, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India

Immunizing Rag Pickers against Rabies

Outbreak Hepatitis A

226 X INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH Investigating an outbreak of Hepatitis-A in village Sharair in Himachal Pradesh

Pup Vaccination Practices in India Leave People to the Risk of Rabies — Lessons from Investigation of Rabies Deaths Due to Scratch/Bite by Pups in Remote Hilly Villages of Himachal Pradesh, India

Effective Municipal Solid Waste Management Practices: A Case study of Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India


Prior medical screening of blood donors-effective tool to prevent TTIs: Pre-donation Medical screening of blood donors can help limit infection through blood transfusion during window period.

TB Control in India- Where are the Gaps?: A District level scientific evaluation of programmes to control TB in India

Blood Banking- The Need for Donor Retention: Why we donot tend to donate blood again?

Breaking the Barriers to Access a Low Cost Intra-Dermal Rabies Vaccine Through Innovative “Pooling Strategy”

Surveillance evaluation of the integrated disease surveillance project (idsp) with respect to tuberculosis in shimla district of himachal pradesh, india

Prevalence of drop out among voluntary blood donors and factors associated with it, Shimla blood bank, Himachal Pradesh, India

Shimla blood bank registers sharp declines in hepatitis-b seropositivity among blood donorsanalysis of eleven year blood bank data, shimla, india

My abstracts on blood donor retention and seroprevalence of Hepatitis B in Blood Donors of Shimla, HP India.

Dropout among voluntary blood donors attending state blood bank Shimla HP India

Field project reports by Omesh Bharti

Irrational Vaccine push and irrational solutions

My Interaction with Life- English Poems

Factors associated with dropout among voluntary blood donors attending state blood bank, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India

Field project reports field project reports

Hepatitis B vaccination in India- is it rational ?

Asmanjas- Collection of Hindi poems.

Boodha Aur Kabaad..Hindi Poetry

Failure to dilute Rabies Monoclonal Antibodies puts patients at risk of Rabies

Can Rabies Infection have an Abortive Phase? Need for Further Evidence to Understand Rabies Epidemiology

Phylogenetic and morphological analysis of Gloydius himalayanus (Serpentes, Viperidae, Crotalinae), with the description of a new species

Survival of 21 Dogs after Post-exposure Prophylaxis using Intra- dermal Rabies Vaccine in the Pre-scapular Region and Emergency use of Expired Equine Rabies Immunoglobulin for Local Wound Infiltration in Victims of a Rabid Dog Bite using One Health Approach.

Should Favipiravir be Used as an Additional Drug in Case of Severe Animal Bites on the Face Especially into the Eyes/ Lips or Aerosol Exposure to Rabies Virus to Prevent Rabies PEP Failures?

Forthcoming from CABI One Health for Dog-mediated Rabies Elimination in Asia This book focuses on the challenges and successes of rabies control and prevention in Asia

Cost analysis of implementation of a population level rabies control programme for children in India

Snake-o-pathy or Snakebite Syndrome

A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis to Avert Rabies Deaths in School-Aged Children in India

Failure of Rabies Post Exposure Prophylaxis despite achieving adequate antibody titers in a goat at Veterinary Hospital Rehan, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India

Matching Body Composition Confirms Decreased Phase Angle among Diabetics Compared to Controls

Trends of Leprosy in Post Elimination Era in One of the Western Hilly Areas of Himachal Pradesh

Investigating a Possible Linkage of Working with Migrant Workers and New Leprosy Cases among Indigenous Workers and New Leprosy Cases among Indigenous Populations of Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India Populations of Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India

EDITORIAL A flicker of hope towards a cure for Rabies Need for more intense efforts

Rabies pre-bite prophylaxis in dogs using single dose intra-dermal rabies vaccine (0.2 ml in prescapular region) and its comparison with intramuscular route (1ml in biceps femoris) using same vaccine.

Rabies pre-bite prophylaxis in dogs using single dose intra-dermal rabies vaccine (0.2 ml in pre-scapular region) and its comparison with intramuscular route (1ml in biceps femoris) using same vaccine.

Curing Rabies-Past and future Prospects

Clinical Management of Accidental Python Bite

Tackling Snakebite Through Training: an Indian example

STUDY PROTOCOL ICMR task force project-survey of the incidence, mortality, morbidity and socio- economic burden of snakebite in India: A study protocol

ICMR task force project- survey of the incidence, mortality, morbidity and socio-economic burden of snakebite in India: A study protocol

Case Report on Post-Mortem and Ante-Mortem Findings of Snakebite in Cows Bitten by Cobra and Krait

Rabies post exposure prophylaxis with IDRV and local wound infiltration of eRIG in rabid dog bite using One Health approach.

Confirmation of Liopeltis rappi (Fitzinger, 1943) in Himachal Pradesh, India

Intersectoral co-ordination saves lives of animals from impending rabies- A One Health Approach

Making Snakebite an agenda of HP Health Department - Journey So Far...

Takling Rabies in India- Way Forward

Local Wound Spray of “Standardised Herbal Antibiotic Extract” on Snakebite Wounds along with Routine Anti Snake Venom Treatment Saves Lives, Limbs and Livelihood of Snakebite Victims in Rural Maharashtra, India - 15 Case Reports as Pilot

RABIES Pre-Exposure prophylaxis

Mw: A Potential Non-Specific Vaccine as First Response to Future Viral Pandemics before Specific Vaccines are Available -Some Lessons from COVID-19 Pandemic

Breaking the barriers for low cost affordable Rabies Post Exposure Prophylaxis

Global warming and health in Shimla District of Himachal Pradesh

Human health in a changing climate-a study of tribal district of Kinnaur Himachal Pradesh, India

Rabies post-exposure prophylaxis with IDRV and local wound infiltration of eRIG in rabid dog bite victims using one health approach

Rabies post exposure prophylaxis in animals VIBCON-(XXVI ANNUAL CONVENTION VIBCON of (2019/2020/2021) Indian Society of Veterinary Immunology & Biotechnology National Conference on Transforming Livestock Economy through Innovations in Immunology and Biotechnology, February 3-4-5, 2022

Venom of several Indian green pit vipers: Comparison of biochemical activities and cross-reactivity with antivenoms

Economic Care for Rabid Dog Bite

A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis to avert Rabies deaths in school- aged children in India

Small Volume of Rabies Immunoglobulin (RIG) is Effective for Local Wound Infiltration in Rabies Post-Exposure Prophylaxis whereas Intramuscular RIG is Just a Wastage

Editorial- "APCRI Journal"- Rabies during COVID 19 Pandemic

Economic Evaluation of Anti-Rabies Prophylaxis among children in India

Perinatal mental health in India: Protocol for a validation and cohort study

Intradermal Anti Rabies Vaccination in Animals- Need and Future prospect

COVID-19 and all-cause-mortality; differential trends between countries and selected states of India

Rabies ; It's prevalence in Himachal Pradesh and it's mitigation using IDRV and eRIG


Review of: A broad-spectrum and highly potent human monoclonal antibody cocktail for rabies prophylaxis

Reproductive health crisis during waves one and two of the COVID-19

Need to involve traditional Indian medical systems - AYUSH, for Tuberculosis control in India in BMC Proceeding - FETPICON 2020

Can Rabies Vaccines be given with or after COVID-19 Vaccines and Vice Versa?

Recommendations for High dose Vitamin D Supplementation to help Fight the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Inclusion in National COVID-19 Management Guidelines

Burden of illness of dog-mediated rabies in India: A systematic review

Epidemiological, humanistic and economic burden of dog-mediated rabies in India: a systematic review protocol

Rabies Vaccines (FAQs)

COVID-19 and all-cause-mortality; differential trends between countries and selected states of India

Intramuscular rabies immunoglobulin (IM-RIG) for post-bite rabies prevention is worse than useless

India inching towards Rabies Free Status by 2030 -Editorial APCRI Journal

Epidemiological, humanistic and economic burden of dog-mediated rabies in India: a systematic review protocol

Reproductive Health Crisis During Waves One and Two of the COVID-19 Pandemic in India: Incidence and Deaths From Severe Maternal Complications in More than 202000 Hospital Births

Mean corpuscular volume/mean corpuscular hemoglobin values are not reliable predictors of the β-thalassemia carrier status among healthy diverse populations of Himachal Pradesh, India

Shortage of vaccine, lessons from rabies w.r.t. COVID 19 Vaccine administration route as intradermal, to vaccinate more people


Emergency Protocol to use Mw vaccine Sepsivac, as booster of Innate Immunity of doctors and HCWs looking after COVID 19+ Patients in Himachal Pradesh, India

Snakes of Himachal Pradesh, India- A Snakebite awareness booklet in Hindi

National Snakebite Management Guidelines and APPROACH TO A PATIENT WITH SNAKE BITE

Mean corpuscular volume/mean corpuscular hemoglobin values are not reliable predictors of the β-thalassemia carrier status among healthy diverse populations of Himachal Pradesh, India


Curriculum Vitae-Omesh Kumar Bharti

Reply to ‘Alternative abridged preventive regimens against rabies for children in high endemic countries’

Eye Care During COVID - 19

Covid-19 Vaccine - Some issues with development of Vaccine

Epidemiology leading to Public Health Actions in India to fight COVID-19

Reviewing Solutions of Scale for Canine Rabies Elimination in India

Rabies Vaccines

Confirmation of Naja oxiana in Himachal Pradesh, India

Abstract Emerging Zoonotic Diseases-Bovine TB

Study of a hepatitis E virus outbreak involving drinking water and sewage contamination in Shimla, India, 2015-2016

Investigating a Possible Linkage of Working with Migrant Workers and New Leprosy Cases among Indigenous Populations of Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India

MCV/MCH values are not reliable predictors for β-Thalassemia Carrier detection

Rabies Prevention; Innovations for the poor- MG Alexander Oration Award by CIDS at Kochi

Wound-only injection of rabies immunoglobulin (RIG) saves lives and costs less than a dollar per patient by “pooling strategy”


Louis Pasteur Oration-Omesh Kumar Bharti

Louis Pasteur Oration-Omesh Kumar Bharti


Using a modified rabies immunoglobulin protocol in a crisis of unavailability: Ethical and practical challenges with Commentary by Dr. Yogesh and Dr.Richard

Failure of Post Exposure Prophylaxis in a girl child attacked by rabid dog severing her Facial nerve causing possible direct entry of rabies virus into the facial nerve.

Modelling to inform prophylaxis regimens to prevent human rabies

Prevention is better than cure: snakebite education in India

Human Rabies deaths; further reduction by injecting wounds only with rabies antibodies

Failure of Postexposure Prophylaxis in A Patient Given Rabies Vaccine Intramuscularly in the Gluteus Muscle, Himachal Pradesh, India

Harvesting the faith on “Local Deities” to make folks in remote villages of Himachal shun Tobacco use!

Early detection of Hepatitis- E/A outbreak in Shimla based on routine IDSP surveillance system with key epidemiological parameters Environmental factors aggravate situation to make this outbreak fatal

Exploring the Feasibility of a New Low Cost Intra-Dermal Pre & Post Exposure Rabies Prophylaxis Protocol in Domestic Bovine in Jawali Veterinary Hospital, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India—Intra-Dermal Rabies Vaccination with Rabies Immunoglobulin (RIG) Infiltration into Bite Wounds: A Life Saving Protocol in Domestic Bovine

Immunization study India

Exploring the Feasibility of a New Low Cost Intra-Dermal Pre & Post Exposure Rabies Prophylaxis Protocol in Domestic Bovine in Jawali Veterinary Hospital, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India

Stigma & Discrimination associated with HIVAIDS in District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India

Dr. Omesh Bharti Final-1 Thalassemia

thalassemia poster NRHM

Himachal Pradesh Ki sarp prajatiyan Curved final for PDF only.pdf

Diagnosis of rabies using reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction on post-mortem skin tissue specimens of the nasolabial plate in a rabies suspected cow: a case study

Surveillance based mass dog vaccination, an effective approach to control rabies in the hilly states like Himachal Pradesh, in addition to post-exposure prophylaxis of animal bite victims

Laboratory diagnosis of rabies by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using postmortem tissue sample of muzzle skin from a cow and dogs recently died of clinical rabies– A case study

NTAC-R recommends inclusion of rabies vaccination for pre-exposure prophylaxis(PrEP) in UIP- A Way Forward

Experience of ONE HEALTH Strategy in Himachal Pradesh India

Diagnosis of rabies using reverse- transcription polymerase chain reaction on post-mortem skin tissue specimens of the nasolabial plate in a rabies suspected cow: a case study

Salmonella Cholerasuis an atypical presentation and evolving drug resistance

Role of High Dose B12 in Curing Hypoglycaemic Drug-induced Neuropathy

Women’s awareness of perinatal mental health conditions and the acceptability of being asked about mental health in two regions in India: a qualitative study

BMC Psychiatry

Risk factors for labour induction and augmentation: a multicentre prospective cohort study in India

Beti Ka Dard - Hindi Poetry Book

Economic evaluations of neglected tropical diseases interventions in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review protocol

Unavailability of Dedicated Dosage Vials of Anti-rabies Vaccine and Immunoglobulin for Intradermal Route Despite its Proven Advantage over Intramuscular Route

Early detection of Hepatitis-E/A outbreak in Shimla based on routine IDSP Surveillance

Risk factors for labour induction and augmentation: a multicentre prospective cohort study in India

The ‘Pooling Strategy’ in Himachal Pradesh, India: An Innovation for Rabies Post-exposure Prophylaxis During Crisis of Shortage of Life-saving Biologicals

Feasibility of WHO Recommended 3 visit fractional dose Intra-dermal Rabies Vaccine regimen (IPC) and only wound infiltration of RIG in Rabies Post Exposure Prophylaxis to I84, 955 patients - Evidence from India

Early detection of Hepatitis-E/A outbreak in Shimla based on routine IDSP Surveillance

Risk factors for labour induction and augmentation: a multicentre prospective cohort study in India

Should Rabies Vaccination in the Gluteus Muscle be Treated as Unimmunized ? - A Case Report

Editorial- Vaccinating 60 Million dogs Annually or 25 Million Newborns - Indian Dilemma

Obituary-Dr.Henry Wilde

Can Rabies Vaccine-Induced Antibodies or Intravenous Rabies Immunoglobulins Help Neutralise Snake Venoms for Early Mitigation of Snakebite-Related Toxicity?: An Exploratory Protocol

Post-Exposure Prophylaxis in Animals: Insight on Biting Animals, Nature of Bites and Comparative Cost Analysis of Intradermal and Intramuscular Routes of Administration

Reported snakebite mortality and state compensation payments

Economic evaluations of neglected tropical disease interventions in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review protocol

The Flame Inside

Does induction or augmentation of labor increase the risk of postpartum hemorrhage in pregnant women with anemia? A multicenter prospective cohort study in India

Snakebite Epidemiology, Barriers, Policy interventions leading to Snakebite Mitigation at state and National level