Skill Lab
Skill Lab
Reduction of IMR, MMR & NMR are priorities for Govt. of India. Various steps have been taken by GoI and the State Government. Improvement and achievement of these goals are possible only if the health care delivery system is strengthened with technically competent health care providers at all levels to deliver critical Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health (RMNCH) services at institutional level with universal coverage, equity and quality.
For this purpose RMNCH Simulation Lab is established at SIHFW. It comprises skill stations i.e. Ante Natal Care, Intra Natal Care, Post Natal Care and Neonatal Care where the trainees learn through practicing skills on mannequins and simulation exercises.
- Ante natal care comprises full antenatal checkup with history taking, anthropometric checkup, blood sugar estimation, BP measuring, abdominal examination etc.,
- Intra natal care includes partograph, eclampsia management, normal delivery and active management of third stage of labour (AMTSL).
- Post-natal care comprises full care of mother and her baby after delivery which includes danger sign in mother & baby, health education regarding personal hygiene, exclusive breast feeding, immunization, follow-up etc.
- New born corner includes essential new born care, new born resuscitation and new born examination.