The Hostel attached to the Institute is meant for all trainees. The following are the rules concerning the hostel. Notwithstanding what is mentioned in these rules, the Management reserves the right to alter or amend them and also exempt anyone from the operation of these rules, part or whole. The Mess-in-charge or anybody authorized by the Principal is in charge of running the day to day affairs of the Hostel Mess. The Hostel Warden is responsible for discipline and order in the Hostel. Any order or instruction given by the Hostel Warden is therefore binding on all inmates. The decision of the Principal concerning any matter relating to the Hostel shall be final and binding on all employees and trainees of the Institute. Applications by inmates regarding any matter concerning the Hostel are to be submitted by them to the Hostel Warden
The hostel at the State Institute of Health & Family Welfare is a well-furnished hostel facility for trainees.
- All trainees are provided hostel facility during the period of training.
- It has 43 rooms along with a spacious dining hall.
- Every room in the hostel is neat and clean and boasts basic facilities.
- Other services provided at the hostel include a Wi-Fi , housekeeping and security services.
- Electricity back-up in case of emergency.
- Fire fighting & emergency exit plans are provided in hostel block.

- Allotment of the rooms will be given only after depositing the security money.
- Trainees are advised to book their rooms in advance.
- The hostel warden has full authority to check any room in the hostel at any time.
- The trainees are instructed to use the water and electricity judiciously.
- Resident staying in the room will be responsible for any kind of damage to the Hostel property.
- Trainees are responsible for safekeeping of their valuables & belongings.
- No room service is available. Trainees are advised not to take eatables in their respective rooms.
- After using sports items must deliver the keys to the person concerned.
- No trainee is allowed to enter the Hostel after 10:00 PM.
- No person either guest or relatives of the trainees will be permitted to stay overnight in any part of the hostel.
- Dinning Hall will be closed at 10:00 PM.
- Hostel shall refrain from any act that may destroy the peace and harmony.
- Consumption of any sort of intoxicants, alcohol, cigarette smoking is strictly prohibited. If ministrants will be found then their booking will be cancelled immediately and disciplinary action will be taken accordingly.
- Complaints regarding electrical, plumbing work should be register in complaint register.
- Plucking of flowers strictly prohibited.
- Any book issued from the library should be returned within stipulated time.
Book Hostel Rooms

Mr. Pradeep
(Hostel Warden STI H&FW Society Pariamahal Shimla)
For all hostel-related queries contact Mr. Pardeep at 94180 00231
Do’s and Don’ts
- It is mandatory to adhere to the instructions of Warden. Violation of the same may lead to termination from hostels.
- All the Trainees should attend classes. Absence from classes without prior permission may lead to cancellation of admission from hostel.
- It is collective as well as individual responsibility of the trainees to keep the hostel premises clean and tidy.
- Trainees should not create any inconvenience to the fellow in mates of the hostel.
- No trainee should provoke any other trainee to breach any of the Hostel rules.
- Cooking is not allowed inside the room.
- Use of Electrical stove,Immersion coils etc. are not permissible inside the hostel. Such equipment if found in the hostel room will be taken possession by Hostel manager and will not be returned.
- No trainee is allowed to enter the kitchen / store or to instruct the kitchen staff or to take any crockery or cutlery out of the dining hall.
- Chewing of Pan/Tobacco/ Pan Masala, or smoking or consumption of liquor is strictly prohibited. Use of drugs is strictly prohibited.
- No trainee shall interchange the allotted room/furniture/fixture etc.
- Any loss or damage of the hostel property shall be recovered from the trainees individually or collectively.
- Non compliance of any of the hostel rules and regulation shall be treated as misconduct and appropriate action shall be initiated against the trainees.
- Hostel main door will be closed at 10.00 pm and nobody allowed to enter after 10:00 pm in the Hostel.
Note: Bookings only for trainees/participants.